
Daylight Savings

I looked at the bottom right hand of the screen for the time and it was suddenly 3.00 AM. Could I have really just wasted an hour trying to figure out exactly where each of the links to The Bygone Bureau came from in order to give it "Authority: 85" on Technorati?

No, thank God. It had only been 15 minutes and I was duped by Daylight Savings. What the hell? Why didn't I overhear that we would lose an hour this Sunday? The New York Times sends me an email update about a skateboard movie, but it can't send me alerts about useful information like my schedule adjusting? What RSS do I have to subscribe to for that kind of service?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're onto something. I'm sure there's a market for getyourshittogethr.com (intentional drop of the 'e'), in which users could subscribe to an RSS feed that reminds them about Daylight Savings, taking out the garbage, and calling their grandmother.