
Insomnia Cookies

I am quite the night owl. My ideal sleeping schedule is between the hours of, say, 3 am and noon. I don't understand how people "leap" out of bed, eat breakfast, or expect me to have a conversation before I've made coffee and tamed my bedtime faux-hawk.

That said, my new found employment requires that I awake at hours I'd rather stay up til, and my sleep cycle is completely effed. Once I have a day off, like tomorrow, I revert back to staying up until the wee hours and reading various reviews of Twitter.

I realize insomnia is a prolonged ailment, and I presently just have too much on my mind or too much 2.0 bullshit to keep me occupied, but I thought I'd search around sites geared toward insomniacs.

It took me one search to find the site for Insomnia Cookies, and my search ended there. This business was started recently by University of Pennsylvania grads and works to provide college students with late night snacks. And they deliver.

Unfortunately, Insomnia Cookies are not available anywhere near my campus and, due to my aversion to looking utterly pathetic, I would never order cookies by phone late at night while alone in my apartment. Once they set up a more available and less embarrassing online ordering option, however, I am so buying milk and cookies at 1:00 in the morning.

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